We’d like to once again thank all of our fantastic clients for the patience and understanding that we’ve been given during these difficult times. In light of the low incidence of COVID-19 in the ACT, we feel we can safely allow a regulated number of pet-parents back in to the clinic for consultations as of the 2nd of June. As it always has been, the safety of our staff, clients and patients remains our top priority.
For the health and safety of staff and clients, if you have a cough, fever or cold symptoms, please call to reschedule your visit.
You Will Need:
You will require access to a mobile phone and a credit/debit card for payment (we prefer non-cash payments at time of consultation).
We ask that all cats and rabbits arrive in a pet carrier.
All dogs must be on lead.
The New Consultation Process:
- When you arrive at the clinic for consultation or admission, please remain in your vehicle and call us on 62302223 to notify us of arrival.
If you are picking up food or medications, please call us when you arrive and we’ll bring them out to your vehicle. - We’ll text you once the coast is clear and the vet is ready to see you, to reduce contact in the waiting room.
- We will only allow one owner per appointment to enter the building, due to space restrictions.
- If you are bringing a dog, we’ll record a weight on the scales before proceeding into consultation.
- Most of the time, you will be invited to sit in the chair provided and maintain a safe distance whilst the consultation is in process.
- At the end of the consultation, there will be a brief pause at the reception desk to settle your account (PayWave is our preferred method) and book any rechecks required, before vacating so that the next client can come in.

- This will all be subject to adjustments as we find the best balance of convenience and caution.
- If you would still prefer to have a contactless consultation, we can accommodate that as well. If you have any concerns or questions, please call us on 62302223.