This is one of the most difficult decisions a carer can ever make for their pet. Euthanasia is never easy but at the end of life it can be the kindest and most humane way to go.
Only you know when the time has come. This checklist might be helpful:
- is your cat still interacting with you – lap time, dinner time – and with other people and pets in the family?
- is any pain, especially arthritic or back pain, well controlled. There is a limit to the efficacy of medications and good nursing.
- are the bad days starting to outnumber the good days?
- does she still have her little routines and habits?
- can she eat without assistance?
- can she get around to water, sun, bed, litter on her own
If you have done all you can to make your cat comfortable and happy but life is just not good for her anymore then you can feel more confident in making your decision.